With extensive supply chains and numerous sale outlets, optimizing labour force investments is a constant challenge for retailers.
Retail Industry
While putting the emphasis on the development of their products and brand, retailers have also realised the importance of their human resources as a key asset for the further development of their business. This is particularly important considering the variety and diversified set of products and producers retailers are dealing with in their supply chain.


Fair Wage has naturally been solicited on several occasions by retail leaders to provide reference standards through assessments and assist in devising remediation plans. Applying the Fair Wage standards and tools provides numerous topical improvements to the operations of large retailers, most notably:
Outlet Employee motivation and satisfaction increases sales and diminishes absenteeism;
Wage structuration around performance targets increases production and sales;
Social dialogue platforms and motivational workshops increases employee loyalty and brand identification
More generally, Fair Wage will enhance retailers through:

– Increase worker productivity

– Add a decisive marketing advantage to retailers’ brand

– Increase investment attractivity

– Increase investment attractivity

– Protect the retailer’s brand from labour related reputation crisis

– Develop a stable, loyal workforce

– Secure a healthy supply chain

Our clients in the Retail industry:

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